Spring Bulbs

Click here for a full list of HP Landscapes 2020-2021 bulbs

This year's bulb collection has been carefully selected by our Maintenance Manager / plant guru Anna 
As a gardener herself she has particular love for spring beauties (as she calls them) here is her curated advice;

When it comes to planting bulbs in the garden it is a bit like planting the whole garden, over the years you layer them for long as it is possible because as the seasons change the bulbs will always come up when it's time, unless a dreaded squirrel will dig them out (but there is a solution to that too - feel free to ask  )

Therefore a typical flowering pattern depending on what bulbs you’ve planted will be;
January/February, with Snowdrops, Crocuses and sweet Narcissus Tete-a -tete and Narcissus minnow, 
March, it time for dwarf Irises and strong Hyacinths in almost rainbow of colours and powerful perfume here also Narcissus paperwhite will flower indoors 
April/May - that is when Tulips will steel the show. Tulip flowers in all shapes and sizes: single, double, or tinged petals. Almost all of them are fragrant/scented and can be cut for the indoor vase to display on the kitchen island/counter for a splash of colour. 
June /July is Allium time - big or small purple or white. These perfectly shaped globes/spheres bring colour structure and interest to the green backdrop of a garden border, great in pots or simply cut and placed indoors for a spectacular display of flowers. 

Have a glance at the list linked above and choose a few for fun. You can't have them all year round for constant display, and that's what we love the best about them. They represent the season and rhythm of life/year, where nothing ever stays the same, especially in the garden.
By planting them in various gardens throughout the years (including my own one with year to year over 1000 bulbs planted annually )

Two things that I have learned about the bulbs are: 

1. 'More is better' unlike the well known designing route where  less is more . That simply does not apply to bulbs they look the best if you have sizable clusters, bunches or sways of it , however you don't have to have a massive garden for it either; groups of large numbers like 10-15  will do the trick in small spaces. It's all about the splash or a pop of colour whatever you fancy but you MUST HAVE THE FANCY 

2. Do not be afraid to mix clashing colours or simply mix colours like  2 contrasting ounces.
eg. black and pink, black and orange , black and blue or white  etc combinations are quite endless to me but you get the idea 

Summarizing you absolutely must have them around you because they do flower in the time of the year when nothing else is happening yet because plants need time to wake up after winter rest hence why nature gave us spring bulbs and human hands and technology  has tailored them to our love and liking. 

We have the particular collection that we would like to offer you this season however please do not hesitate to ask for another kind if you have seen them and would like to have in your garden and we may be able to help with that too .
I would like you to choose and let us know which bulbs you would like and in what quantities  by Friday 23rd October so I can make sure that I can order the bulbs for you, and we will be planting them in the month of November and December for you . Anna has said it's far too hot for bulb planting still, they will come up too early or not at all!