
Spring is Coming

As the days are getting longer, you may find yourself rediscovering the space outside your kitchen window.  Sometimes brown, sometimes green and sometimes …. well, unorganised!  If you have not been out there much since long before Christmas the warm sunny days will encourage you back to enjoying the outside space once again.

It is time of the year to jet wash your patio, add mulch to borders and feed the plants for the upcoming season. Any fence /trellis/bench repairs are easily done on spring sunny days too.

If you happen to have Astroturf that works so well in the summer in a small city garden, perhaps consider giving it vacuum and jet wash to refresh it for warm spring days when the bbq can be lit up for the first time this year, perhaps even before the Easter weekend!

Also it is a great time to refresh your garden plants for the summer months and if you have planted Spring bulbs in autumn they should be beginning to show their shy heads, mulching and tiding the border around them will help to make the most of them.

And of course any roses, wisteria and fruit trees will benefit from a Spring prune too if it's not already been done.


If any of the above sounds good and applies to your garden, please feel free to contact our maintenance manager, Anna, for a quote.